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9月. 13, 2024

Activities sponsored by the 学生活动委员会 at Northwest foster student engagement, explore interests and help students build friendships outside of their classrooms. (<a href='http://tqlc.meritavukatlik.com'>全国网赌正规平台</a>)

Activities sponsored by the 学生活动委员会 at Northwest foster student engagement, explore interests and help students build friendships outside of their classrooms. (全国网赌正规平台)

全国网赌正规平台 学生活动委员会 (SAC)将迎来一位魔术师, a change-making speaker and a comedian during its fall lineup of events.

萨维奥·约瑟夫是秋季节目的一部分 家庭周末 9月11日星期五的活动. 27. 佩顿的头, who spearheaded conversations about improving race relations in the state of 密苏里州, 他会在周四分享他的经历吗, 10月. 3. 然后,喜剧演员迈克. Winfield将于11月11日星期三在西北电视台露面. 20.

每个活动在晚上7点开始.m. in the Charles Johnson Theater at the Olive DeLuce Fine Arts Building. 它们是免费向公众开放的.

The Northwest 学生活动委员会 is committed to creating a vibrant campus community this fall by offering events that foster student engagement, 包容和乐趣,娜塔莎·梅茨格说, 帕菲利昂大学动物科学专业的大四学生, 内布拉斯加州, 谁担任SAC总裁. 无论你是想结交新朋友, 探索新的兴趣,或者只是从学习中休息一下, 全国网赌正规平台的活动为每个人提供一些东西. Attending SAC events is a great way to get involved and make the most of your college experience.

除了它的演讲者阵容, SAC organizes a variety of social and recreational activities for students throughout the academic year. 今年秋天的活动包括晚上6点到9点的手工艺之夜.m. 星期四,9月. 19 . in the J.W. Jones Student Union Ballroom as well as the organization’s popular Grocery Bingo event from 7 to 10 p.m. 周四,10月. 24小时,晚上8点到10点的深夜娱乐中心.m. 星期四,11月. 在学生娱乐中心.

SAC还将在晚上7点至9点举办“乐高之夜”活动.m. 星期四,11月. 在学生会宴会厅.

SAC plans and administers activities for Northwest students to contribute to a more well-rounded social, 为校园和社区提供娱乐和文化生活. The organization provides entertaining alternatives to students with late-night activities and events throughout the year, 包括音乐会, 讲座, 电影和喜剧演员.

以下是演讲嘉宾的详细情况. 欲了解更多信息,请致电660与SAC联系.562.1226 or saclect@meritavukatlik.com.




一个魔术师, 通灵师和催眠师, Savio约瑟夫 is a first-generation Indian-Canadian who took a strong interest in magic at a young age. 他慢慢地发展了他的心灵感应技巧, 扒窃, sleight of hand and hypnosis and uses those skills today to provide audiences with laughs, 有趣的对话和持久的记忆.

最明显的是, Savio was the only magician to appear as a finalist on ”Canada’s Got Talent,” winning over a star-studded lineup of judges and the millions of viewers who tuned in live every week.

He also has been featured by MacLean’s magazine, TEDx, CTV and Breakfast Television. 他曾与Remax等公司合作, 加拿大帝国商业银行, Electro Federation and with personalities including Grammy-nominated Jessie Reyez, Cordae, 哔叽Ibaka, 安德鲁·舒尔茨和漫威超级英雄司徒刘.




佩顿的头 is invested in developing institutional cultures that are grounded in equity. He empowers students and campus administrators to fight hatred with radical love for others and themselves. 他详细描述了种族造成的逆境, 性别和性取向歧视, and proven solutions to facilitate open dialogue and embrace marginalized communities.

在2014年弗格森事件之后, 密苏里州, he spearheaded conversations about improving race relations in the state. His viral 脸谱网 post detailing his experience with fighting systemic injustice at the University of 密苏里州-Columbia ignited the student body to fight for a more inclusive campus and be a change agent in higher education.

In 2016, with a passion for the theory of education and action to affect change, in partnership with the National Campus Leadership Council and the U.S. 部门. 的教育, he co-authored a guide for student leaders on strategy for addressing inclusion at educational institutions. He presents to university communities nationwide about the importance of creating a culture of acceptance.

He spent the summer of 2018 in Amsterdam and at the European Parliament in Strasbourg analyzing the rise of populism in the West. He also traveled to Israel and Palestine and learned from activists and lawmakers in Ramallah and Jerusalem about American solidarity in the ongoing conflict. In 2019, he was selected to address the African Union and United Nations in Dakar, 塞内加尔, advocating for investment in youth initiatives that unite young people of African descent.

他曾被媒体报道过, 包括“梅丽莎·哈里斯-佩里”,“微软全国有线广播电视公司, 美国有线电视全球网络赌博平台网, 华盛顿邮报, The Huffington Post and in Teen Vogue’s “How 3 Students Changed the Course of History at Their Schools.”

Head holds a bachelor’s degree in political science with certifications in leadership, 来自密苏里大学的多元文化和黑人研究. He holds a master’s degree in public policy studies with certifications in global conflict and international development policy from the University of Chicago, where he served as communications director for UChicago’s Black Action in Public Policy Studies and program coordinator for the Inaugural Obama Foundation Scholar’s Master of Arts in International Development and Policy Program.




以喜剧的风格,是令人耳目一新的和相关的, 迈克·温菲尔德 escaped the rough streets of Baltimore to pursue comedy in California – remembering how he found a gun under his Mom’s pillow as a child and thought, “我等不及要掉牙了.”

He embraced it and accumulated credits that include “The Late Show with David Letterman,” a recurring role on NBC’s “The Office” and “Brad Paisley’s Comedy Rodeo” on Netflix to go with an Emmy nomination and multiple movies in post-production.

He also fell in love and married an older woman with a child – which he says was a problem because he wasn’t ready to be a husband and made many mistakes in the marriage. 从那以后,他学会了与继子建立联系, 他开玩笑地称他们为“StepMAN”,因为他们年龄相仿. He takes the ups and downs in his life and marriage and turns them into jewels he releases on stage.


Dr. 马克Hornickel

